Today was a great day for me!!! I am so happy!! I have received the "Liebster Blog Award" from my sweet and talented friend
Monika Schmidt. Check out her mixed media art! She is so talented!!
This award is given to bloggers who inspire you and have less than 200
followers. The Liebster Award takes it’s name from the German word
meaning Beloved, Dearest or Favorite.
I am very honoured to receive it! Thank you Monika!
As part of the tradition it is passed along to 5 bloggers that have motivated and inspired.
To accept the award you must:
1. Link back to the person who gave it to you and thank them
2. Post the award to your blog
3. Give the award to 5 bloggers with less than 200 followers
that you appreciate and value.
4. Leave a comment on the 5 blogs to let them know that they have been offered this award.
It was really hard to choose only 5 inspiring blogs:
I love Crafts - Eloisa Mueller
Alegria do Papel - Carla Scheffer
Ana e os Bonecos - Analu Alves
Bozzo Art
Colorful Adventures - Gaby Bee